Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

We do not accept insurance, it just doesn’t allow us the flexibility to practice how we know is best! But, if your insurance plan covers Chiropractic care we are happy to assist you with reimbursement. As out of network providers we can provide necessary paperwork to streamline this process. Please do not hesitate to contact our staff with any questions or concerns.

We do however accept No-Fault Insurance. If you have an open No-Fault case, please call the office to speak to one of our doctors about receiving care.

What can I expect on my first visit?

Prior to your visit, you will be asked to fill out our New Patient Intake forms. At your visit, chief complaint, medical history, other concerns and personal goals will be discussed. A comprehensive medical exam will follow. If chiropractic care is the right treatment for you, a plan to move forward will be developed and treatment delivered.

If I begin chiropractic care, will I need to continue forever?

In short, not at all! Some patients choose to seek chiropractic care on a condition-basis, only seeking care when problems arise; others opt for more wellness-based care, with more regular visits. At Vital Roots, we believe in the power of consistency of lifestyle and collaborative care. Our goal is to assist you when you need us, and to give you the tools to help yourself maintain the lifestyle you wish to live when you are not in our office.

Where can I park?

Free parking is available in the lot on the corner of Main Street and Englewood, to the right of our office. Street parking is also available.